Sunday, November 25, 2012


November 24, 2012

Dear Friends,

This is Steve Dalke.  My wife; Sharon and I bought Nature Garden Florist and Gifts on October 1st of this year.  Nature Garden is in Milton-Freewater Oregon population of about 7,000.  Nature Garden has been in business since 1947 as a flower and gift shop.  As many of you know the florist business in general is down. People don't buy as many flowers as they used to.  In a recession they buy even less. 

So we have decided to try to diversify.  Floral shops tend to be a bit pricey in general and the gift items are usually high end.  We are trying to bring in more home decor items, antiques and shabby chic. I like to go to estate sales and buy items that can be made really cute by " distressing them and chicing them".  We hired Mike Remillard of  Elite Faux Painting fame to prepare our finds.  He does really good work and I would like to show some of them on this blog.  We would like to get the word out about our new inventory and of the changes we are making here at Nature Garden.